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Lesson Plans

19+ hour, 49+ min ago — 

..., Rosa Parks, Shirley Chisholm, Maya Angelou, Martin Luther King,... ...Jr., Nina Simone, John Lewis, Oprah Winfrey, Prince, Serena and... ...with using food in the classroom, these activities from Homeschool Preschool... ...Patrick’s Day learning printables including on where symbols are...

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Joann Bankruptcy Updates

20+ hour, 22+ min ago — 

...Baby Blanket from Lion Brand Yarn.... ...Or try the Knitted Hexagon Cushion, a free pattern from Greedy for... ...As a reminder you can find the full store list at the Joann Restructuring... ...amended stalking horse bid (that’s the deal they have with Gordon Brothers...

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Lavender Tank: A Perfect Summer Project (with a slight resizing tweak!)

22+ hour, 49+ min ago — 

...Riverbank Tank Top – Crochet Pattern Fabulous and Flattering: 40+... ...by Audrey Trecasse, and I’m so happy with how it turned out!...

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Scrap Booking

1+ day, 21+ hour ago — 

..., torn and layered rice paper, stenciling with glitter paste, rubber...

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Fun Foil Art For Kids

2+ day, 16+ hour ago — 

...Draw a picture on your cardboard using a marker.... ...And it didn’t require me to wait for a foil art kit from Amazon either...

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Needle Work

2+ day, 20+ hour ago — 

...Cottage Garden: Featuring Sweet William Baby Dress and Pansy Hoop... ...Susie Johns is a seasoned author with a portfolio of over 90 books...

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Granny Stripe Winter Cardigan Crochet Pattern

2+ day, 22+ hour ago — 

...The Lottie Retro Flower Blanket, designed by Lauren Robinson, is... ...The Granny Stripe Winter Cardigan crochet pattern by Jen Snedden...

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Learn the No-Line Watercolor Stamping Technique

2+ day, 23+ hour ago — 

...technique I thought her most helpful tip is to create a study guide... ...requires some practice because you don’t have the dark outline to guide...

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Knit a Simple Scarf with Knits and Purls

3+ day, 17+ hour ago — 

...year) was filed Jan. 15, and the company had a deal with Gordon Brothers... ...amended stalking horse bid (that’s the deal they have with Gordon Brothers... ...The Yarrow Scarf from Mirella Moments is made with just knits and... ...multiples of four plus one stitches if you want to change the stitch count...

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3+ day, 19+ hour ago — 

...In that case I direct you to this helpful tutorial from Stitching Corner... ...Sawanita is an Etsy shop with a heavy focus on Christmas and winter... ...Check them out at Sawanita on Etsy.... ...stitches, which comes out to 29 cm or 11.43 inches square on 14 count...


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